Smile. You won. You're gone.

Wake up again and make yourself believe all is well.
Get ready for this journey that will take you to the road you have traveled so many times before. You know where and how it ends. Why do you keep on going?
Smile at the world and give them the assurance that you know the answers for the questions that were never asked.
Keep on going, no matter how much that little voice inside your heart screams.
Don’t take shortcuts. Don’t look back. Follow your own lead, as you learned the hard way you would have to.
Don’t you dare leaving any piece of your heart behind! Don’t you feel the scars stinging?
Why are you running or, even, where to?
Yes, you know where it ends. Is this what you want?
The others, you say? Do you see them looking for you, when you are lost within yourself? Do you find them reaching out to help?
You are so lost and you don’t even stop to realize it. They made you believe you could do it, but who are they to say anything when they don’t even know who you are?
One day you will be introduced to yourself, and then you will know that you are your most intelligent opponent.
You know you can help them. But you are so empty right now, you know that, or do you?
Fight this battle that you can’t win, run this race that you are bond to lose, throw the dart and watch the wind take it away from the target. Be assured, nonetheless, that all this you can change. For the best for them, and what about you?
You will be so tired in the end you won’t even know what you have won.
And all this, the victories you can’t cherish, they all are loss.
Smile, you won, and now you’re gone.