
So much emptiness that I couldn’t tell why when or how it started. But at the same time… so much. So much of everything. No reason to complain; in all truth, only to be thankful.
What was I running to or from? What was this incessant race against myself? Where was it going to take me? Why did I dare myself to run? Why did I make myself persevere?
There is got to be more to life. An unappeasable idea. There was more, but there will always be. When was it going to be enough? Is contentment an unquenchable state for me?
Stereotypes that don’t let me breathe, expectations I can’t live up to. Who am I? Who will I be?
Free yourself. I dare you to run. Go and know that you can do it as that person you ought to be would be able to. Will you come back?
The other side of reality. The untouchable unattainable side. That place where words aren’t simply said, but felt, and feelings aren’t simply thought, but lived. This place, if it exists… will it ever be tangible? After all, it is only utopia.
Why do you still hope, then? Why do you keep going? You quest for idealized perfection. You know it shan’t be found; or, at least, it is reputedly chimerical.
And then, I found you.
You contradict reason, logic, and probability. You subtract fears and multiply smiles. You add wonder and divide the world in splendor.
You are sufficient reason for me to face everyday with a smile. You give reason to what I thought was lost forever. You are what books and wise men say doesn’t exist; but you are real. Are you not?
Welcome to utopia.
AMAZING!!!! Really Daniela, its fantastic. I liked very mutch.
hum hum é mt bonito ..mas começa mt triste..com um grande final!!
bjs ffs
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind ... lembrei-me deste som quando li o que escreves-te ... porque existe tantos porque sem qq resposta logica... porque eu tambem vivo em busca desse lugar utopico ... que no fundo gostaria que existisse... s não existe houve momentos e pessoas que me fizeram acreditar que o havia alcançado... por apenas meros segundos... em que voltei a ser criança e a sorrir ingenuamente.
U're such a great writer...u're somehow very realistic...and you show feeling but not in a childish .. dreamy .. gay way .. u know what a mean... u're head is down on earth ..
Quem deixa de sonhar morre. Pelo menos foi o que alguém mt especial me disse um dia. E decidi continuar a sonhar. Mesmo que os meus sonhos não passem de utopia, vale a pena sonhar, manter a chama acesa. Vale a pena continuar a ser criança, pelo menos em parte. Nunca deixes de sonhar. E nunca digas nunca. ;) Esta parte soou um pouco à Peter Pan. LOLOL
A foto ta altamente. Diz muito a foto ;)
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
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